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Awake Empowered Coaching – Dr. Mitchell Mays


Dr. Mitchell Mays has been coaching clients in Mind-Body practices and Personal Improvement since 1978. Dr. Mays’ book, “MIND GATE: Demolish Fear, Overcome Anxiety and Create the Life You Want” is a #1 International best seller in six countries and in multiple categories including Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management,  Neurology, Healthy Living, Personal Health, and Mental Health.

When considering a Coach just remember, Knowledge, Experience & Results are what’s important!

Our purpose is to teach people how they acquired their limiting beliefs and sabotage programs and how to overwrite those programs to create what they want! – Dr. Mitchell and Terri Mays


The coaching relationship is a very unique and special relationship at its best. At its worse, it can be a nightmare. I have been privy to both!
A coach, of any kind, is just that, a coach. The number one, and immediate priority is to establish exactly what the coaching is for. In other words; What specific RESULTS do you want to experience and achieve?
People who come to us for coaching often say things like:
  • – “I hate my job or I can’t stand where I’m working”.
  • – “I’m not sleeping well, I’m irritable and gaining weight and can’t seem to get it off”.
  • – “I don’t feel any passion in my work, my relationship, etc.”
  • – “I feel drained physically/ emotionally between my family and my work.”
  • – “I haven’t felt good in years and everything I try only gives me temporary results”.
  • – “I don’t seem to have the time nor the energy to do the things I really like to do. I can’t keep up with my life anymore. How do I get my time back?”
  • – “I’ve done everything I thought I was supposed to do to be happy and successful; got a degree, got a well-paying job, got married, bought a house, had children…and yet I feel empty inside. I thought I wanted all this. WTF?”
  • – “I’m stuck in my career/work (or home life) and can’t see any way out without just walking away and losing everything”.
Here’s some of the questions we suggest you ask yourself if you are considering using a Coach:
  • – Could your relationships be deeper, more rewarding and more meaningful?
  • – What issues keep me up at night?
  • – Do I believe I can still solve them myself and if so, what’s keeping me from doing so?
  • – What physical or stress issues are bothering me?
  • – Am I open to change?
  • – Do I know what my passions are?
  • – Do I have a burning desire to achieve something, anything?
  • – Do I know what changes need to be made to achieve the results I want?
If you’re serious about personal improvement, Dr. Mays’ straightforward, professional approach will help you make and maintain your shift… – Misty Young; The Restaurant Lady & Best-Selling Author


Objectivity: A coach can look at you objectively and give you an honest assessment without the cognitive dissonance we all possess when it comes to our own lifestyle and health. Top performing professionals, not just athletes have coaches.
Individualization: Each individual is different and requires different emphasis in different areas like nutrition, exercise, cognitive needs and family, work and social pressures.
Results Oriented: We all have at least a sense about the results we want to achieve with the help of a coach but a coach can help you define and prioritize your immediate and long-term needs. A coach can be your guide and help you to navigate this world. You may want to lose weight, improve your health, reduce your stress, be more effective in your work, be more fulfilled in your relationships or live more positively. You may want a complete re-do in various areas of your life. Instead of looking at each need as separate, a coach can look at the whole picture and help you develop a plan that meets several needs, creating a result that leaves you with a clear roadmap for the rest of your life journey.
Accountability: One of the most valuable services a coach can render is to help you be accountable for achieving what you say you want. There is huge value in accountability because it keeps you from getting off track and wasting time, energy and money. Accountability is literally a “short-cut” to your goals. Having a personal training session scheduled is much harder to cancel than a visit to the gym. Getting off track or distracted is our monkey-mind’s nature and cost us dearly.

FREE 30 Minute Personal Coaching Session 

Get 2 FREE Chapters of
MIND GATE: Demolish Fear,
Overcome Anxiety
and Create the Life You Want 

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