The Power of Suggestion

So, how do we reprogram our Subconscious mind so that only our positive programs get stimulated? I discuss in The  MIND GATE Process of Empowerment several ways to stop negative program momentum— that has already been created and then how to start a momentum in a positive direction— and this is not just about thinking positively. Positive thinking, while being a great idea does not work very well on its own. There is way too much negative input coming into our Conscious mind from the news (Never Ending Worry Source) headlines and other sources (including  our own negative thoughts) on a daily basis to try and negate such massive amounts of negative message units. By the end of the day we are often exhausted, overloaded and completely deep in hypnosis.

There’s only one way to stimulate our Subconscious mind to create new positive programs— and that one way is through the power of suggestion! You must learn how to control that power or it will run amuck and cause all sorts of damage. Not controlling what suggestions get through the Mind Gate and into the Subconscious mind is like someone said once of politicians. It was either Will Rogers or Mark Twain that said, “Electing a politician to office is like giving a hammer to a four year old—you just hope you can get it away from him before he does too much damage”. (Come to think of it, that could have been James Whitmore playing Will Rogers).

To install positive suggestions into our Subconscious mind, we must be in a suggestible state of mind, in other words, be open-minded and willing (the Mind Gate must be open) to use our imagination to create positive images that the Subconscious mind will respond to. But, you must be awake as you use this process — in other words, you must be conscious while this is happening. Guard against overwhelm or overload. If you are feeling overwhelmed you are probably in or about to go into the state of hypnosis so you will need a quick way to snap out of it.

I’ve included a chapter (Chapter 7: How to De-Hypnotize Ourselves) about how to stay out of hypnosis in the book so please— read that— otherwise, it will be that much harder to get the results you want.  In order for your Subconscious mind to respond to these positive images, they must carry a certain amount of positive emotional energy with them. When you are visualizing , imagining, or pretending a particular circumstance or scene it must feel good to you, or at least, feel much better than you have been feeling and, you must be able to sustain that picture and feeling for a few minutes each day.